Greetings, I’m Kevin. I created HowToMakeMoneyOnlineFast as resource for anyone looking for a way to make money online. I have been online in various businesses for the last 20 years. Half my life I’ve been online and now I’m 40 (shed a tear for me)

I created this blog because I spent thousands on courses both online and in the real world to show me how to make money online.

What I have found is that most of the information you need is out there online if you know what you are looking for.

You pay an “expert” for their experience and a 1 stop shop to the information that help you solve your problem. Hopefully they don’t have several more upsells before you get the full picture.

What you will get on this blog is straight to the point information on how to start making money broken down into bite sized chunks for you to understand. Learn from my experiences.

Make your money work for you not the other way round.